Mini Blog 3- PPGIS

The term public participation geographic information system (PPGIS) was developed in 1996 as a method to bring the technical field of GIS to the public in order to engage the non-governmental community with governmental issues. GIS has become a very important part of public policy making and can be used to compile and analyze geographic data from a variety of sources.

As a relatively new field, PPGIS has a relatively broad focus. Because of this, it has been difficult for PPGIS to develop itself into a term which is widely accepted and utilized in the planning world. Literature available on PPGIS and the organizations that use it recognize PPGIS as a tool that can be used to collect demographic, administrative, environmental, or local level information and compile it into a database. This data can then be transformed into maps, images and other visual and spatial tools which can be used to engage the public.

Using PPGIS can be a very effective way to encourage public participation and involvement in addressing community-level topics and issues. One example of this is that PPGIS can be used in communities to encourage tree plantings that benefit the surrounding areas. GIS maps can be created which include images of streetscapes, buildings, and greenspace. Using these maps, the public will be able to visualize potential tree plantings within their community, and can help identify areas where additional trees can be added. These GIS maps can additionally contain data relating to the current tree inventory for the community and can track removals and replacements as well as native tree species in the area.

Though using PPGIS for community engagement can provide many benefits, there are a few disadvantages which must be kept in mind. One of the main disadvantages of PPGIS is that it may not reach the entire community. Oftentimes it may be necessary to communicate in different ways in order to reach non-technical people. Using only PPGIS will limit these people from accessing the necessary information presented to them or may discourage their participation.  Other disadvantages of PPGIS are that it can be expensive and at times advanced training may be needed to utilize the technology effectively.

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