Friends of Port Richmond

Come out and share your ideas for redeveloping the Brownfield areas in Port Richmond. Your input can make this area part of our community that we can be proud of.  But to get there, WE NEED YOUR HELP!

The “Friends of Port Richmond” invite you to participate in the upcoming community design Charrette to be held at the Memphis Academy Charter School, Monday, September 19, 2016 at 6 pm.

We encourage residents, commuters, business owners, employees, community leaders and decision-makers to join us for this unique opportunity to discuss redevelopment of the Brownfield sites in our neighborhood. Your participation is critical to the success of this project!

Refreshments will be served

Space is limited to 25 participants, Please RSVP to

Follow us and share your stories and pictures on our social media pages.

Follow us on Twitter: @FriendsOfPortRichmond

We will be live Tweeting during the charrette #PRichmondBrownfields

The future of the Port Richmond neighborhood is in your hands. Let’s make the Brownfield areas a wonderful part of our community. Come share your ideas and insights. You can make a difference! @FriendsOfPortRichmond #redevelopment #Bfields #PRichmondBrownfields #ProgressPhilly

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View and Share our Event Flyer: PortRichmondFlyer

We want your feedback following the event!

Share your feedback. Please take our brief survey. 


Mini Blog 1

The article “Technology and Planning: A Note of Caution” written by Stephen Wheeler discusses how technology has impacted the planning world and suggests that planners must not allow the use of technology to interfere with community engagement and the fundamentals of the planning profession.  He suggests that it is important to create a balance when using technology resources to ensure that the public is able to remain connected to planning projects by using programs and language that they are able to access and understand easily.  If the general public is able to understand what is going on and why, they may become increasingly supportive of new ideas and provide useful feedback about planning projects in their communities.

Certain technologies have had immense impact on planning operations and have played a major role in shaping our cities and suburban neighborhoods. Transportation technology has had one of the largest impacts on the planning profession as well as the population as a whole. This has become especially true since privately owned automobiles have become the most popular mode of transportation in the United States.  The invention and availability of automobiles has caused the population to spread out and disperse to areas away from densely populated cities which contain a variety of public transportation opportunities and other resources. As the population continues to spread, it is necessary for strategic transportation planning to develop new roads, highways, and superhighways and other resources to help communities stay connected. Planners must maintain community engagement and communication while using transportation planning technology to be sure the public interest is supported throughout the planning process.

Computer technology has also had a large impact on the planning profession. Computer technology has allowed the planning methods to become more technologically advanced by incorporating maps, graphs, charts, and advanced formulas into planning documents. The advancement in planning technology has allowed intricate computer systems such as GIS to capture, store, check and display data related to positions on Earth’s surface, and can display many different data types on one map.[i]  Using advanced systems such as GIS allows people to easily see, analyze and understand relationships between different map features and can help with the strategic planning process.  Though this and other computer technologies have become an invaluable resource, it is increasingly important that when complex computer systems and programs are used, planners ensure that the information is easily translated and accessible in a format which the public feels comfortable using.

Oftentimes it’s extremely effective for planners to rely heavily on technology for their daily operations. Using modern technologies such as the internet, advanced computer based programs and equipment has definitely assisted in the advancement of the planning world. However, it is necessary to remember when not used properly, technology can take away from the fundamentals of the profession including community support and engagement.

[i] Society, N. G., & Society, N. G. (2011, March 26). GIS (geographic information system).